Phone sex slave

Phone sex slave

Whoever you are, I’m ready for you. I haven’t had a master for so long I feel lost. My mind and body crave your attentions, I need them and will do anything to get them. I’m just sitting here waiting for you to make me yours, to own me and degrade me however you want. I’m your dirty phone sex slave, a sub slut ready to be punished.


0909 89 44 036
Calls cost 60p per minute plus your phone company’s access charge





What do I want from you?

I want you to torture me in ways I’ve never felt before. I want you to tie me up so tightly it hurts and I can’t move, so I’m totally at your mercy and I can’t stop you from doing whatever you want with my body. I want you to violate all of me, stretching my sloppy wet holes until my eyes water with the pain. And then I want you to do it again. I want you to spank me so hard my ass is bright red and I want my nipples to be red raw from your sucking and tweaking. I want you to show your affection through your abuse and extreme violation.


I’m ready for it

I’m ready to be your slave. I want you to be my Master and I’ll do anything my Master needs. I want him to unleash all his perverted, naughty fantasies on me and arouse me with sexual agony. I need you to call me so I can start to serve you any way you demand. You can ram your cock so hard down my throat I will gag and when I ask you to stop you can do it even harder. I want my arsehole stretched and filled with your cum. I am ready for you to humiliate me and punish me for being a naughty slave who wants your big, hard cock now and always.


I’m begging you

Never before have I needed it so much. My pussy will drip the second you get nasty with me. I want you to abuse me and make me feel like the dirty worthless little whore that I am and I want the world to see that you own me and I’m just a piece of shit to be humiliated by you.